Furniture where the genius lies in the simplicity is what we are passionate about. inoff’s vision is to offer market-grade furniture characterised by price-value, function, comfort and style. To achieve these ends, insight, responsiveness and passion are required in every step. In our endeavour to become a leading supplier for your projects, we have a clear ambition to continually develop. Quality and environment are in focus. We look forward to sharing our developments with you – now and in the future. With hope for a wonderful and exciting time to come.
Our designers

Josefine Alpen
Josefine took her degree in furniture design at Carl Malmsten – furniture studies, Linköping University in 2012, and is active in Stockholm. She has always had a fascination for textiles and usually finds her inspiration in old craft and manufacturing techniques. Her values lie in maintaining an honest approach towards the material, not pretending that it is something it is not, or can do something that it simply cannot do, and this is clearly reflected in her work. She also strives for simplicity with a touch of playfulness.

Tom Stepp
Tom Stepp lives and works in Helsingør, Denmark, and is a trained construction technician, building manager and architect with qualifications from the Copenhagen Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1979, he has run his own business, working with the development of new products such as furniture for the public sphere, lighting fixtures, wristwatches and concrete products. Tom also works with shop furnishings, exhibition design and the housing market.

Daniel Enoksson
In 2008, Daniel graduated from Beckman’s Design College. Shortly thereafter, he founded Daniel Enoksson Studio with an office in Stockholm. Daniel has always had a strong belief in cooperation between the client and the design studio, with the main purpose of creating added value for both the user and the client. He always works with a creative approach in all his projects with the intention of creating a lasting and timeless result in a changing market.

Ola Giertz
Ola Giertz is a trained furniture designer and graduated from Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies in 2010. He subsequently opened his studio in southern Hel¬singborg, where today the main focus is on furniture and product design. His works have been viewed in a variety of places around the world, from the Paris design scene to the Nordic Museum in Stockholm. Playfulness and a passion for experimentation permeate his work with manufacturers who value design as a means of competition for success.

Anton Björsing
Anton Björsing was educated in furniture crafts and design at Stenebyskolan and Carl Malmsten Furniture studies in Stockholm where he graduated in 2012. All projects are different and inspiration can come from most things, depending on the situation and project, so it can be very varied. It can be anything from an experience, complicated manufacturing process or a need. Anton believes that being curious enough and paying attention to things in everyday life is often inspiring in itself.

Lars Hofsjö
Lars Hofsjö was educated at Nyckelviks School and holds a master’s in Industrial Design from Konstfack. In 2001, Lars founded the furniture company Rumbler in Stockholm with the aim of creating beautiful and multifunctional furniture for today’s flexible lifestyle. Lars develops innovative and unconventional solutions for timeless, long-lasting furniture, for both public and private environments. With his background in both industrial design and furniture design, he creates objects with an extra dimension that often presents new possibilities for interior design.